Family, friends, and RapidGroove readers know that I'm an avid boater and salt-water fisherman. Like many fishermen, I prefer fishing from a boat and have come to appreciate the center console design as one that accommodates groups and also allows a fisherman to move around the boat to fight a fish that makes runs in different directions.
Back on October 31st of last year, I posted here in RapidGroove about selling my long time boat, Freedom, a 26' Sailfish center console fishing boat. As I described then, I wanted Freedom to have another life with a new owner who would take good care of her. I was thrilled to find such a buyer and I'm confident that she will make another family happy for years to come.

I've been on many boats and I've seen many more out on the water, so I had a head start on some ideas. I talked to friends and to my mechanic about different boat makes and models, and I spent time on the builders' web sites to compare features. Most importantly, I visited dealers to climb aboard and get a real feel for the boats I was considering. Sometimes my wife Tacey would come along, too. While she doesn't fish much anymore, she does enjoy a sunny day out on the water and I wanted to make sure that whatever boat I picked would have features that she appreciated, too.

In the end, I was able to strike a fair deal on this 2017 Edgewater 262cc and arranged for electronics to my specifications (two Garmin 12" screens with chart plotter, sonar, radar, etc.) and some other smaller additions, such as a longer anchor line, a better anchor, additional fishing rod holders and some canvas covers to match the hull color.
With all of that done, I picked the boat up this past weekend. I spent over an hour on the electronics orientation with a Garmin expert, and then a licensed boat captain gave me an orientation to the boat and accompanied me back to my dock. Along the way we stopped at a nearby marina to fill the 150 gallon gas tank. Just imagine what that cost!
My new boat is now tied up at my dock and looks and rides like a million bucks. I'm really looking forward to the coming season on the best boat I've ever owned. And the name of my new boat? "Freedom" of course. Why change a name that works so well for me?
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